Clinical Cases
Implantation procedure
Male patient 48 years old, missing a
lateral upper Bone graft used because
it was done on a recent extraction,2 days before
the surgery.1 MSDI Spiral Implant used,
size: 3.3 x 11.5 mm.
Credit: Dr. Raul Rojas
Implantation procedure
Male patient 63 years old
missing 1 and 2 bicuspid, 1 and 2 molar with limited sinus space.
3 MSDI Spiral implants were done, sizes used:
3.75 x 10 and 4.2 x 10
Credit: Dr. Raul Rojas

Implantation procedure
Female Patient, 40 years old.
Initial placement of MSDI Spiral Implants.
2 MSDI Implants - 3.75x10
Credit: Dr. anodontio partialis lat.dex

Implantation procedure
Female, 59 years old.
Oct. 17 - Fracture of central superior left. Extraction of root.
Nov. 25 - Placement of MSDI Spiral Implant 4.2 x 11.5 mm
May. 7 - Second stage, uncovering. Tissue roll technique to
improve soft tissue. Removal of stiches and impression transfers.
Credit: Dr. Demetrio Landeros