Implantation with MSDI Implant
Case by: Dr. Cheng, Taiwan
Female , 45 years old
Tooth: #14, #15, #17, #26, #37, #46, #47 missing
#27 tilting and severely decayed
#16, #36 elongation
First molar occlusion occlusal scheme was determined, and the Tx procedure:
1. #27 ext. and #26 implantation (with MSDI implant)
2. #14, #15 implantation (with MSDI implant)
3. #46 implantation (with MSDI implant)
4. #16, #24, #25, #35, #36 provisionalization and wait for the lmplant
5. Definite restorations (#48 ext. if needed)Live Implantation By MSDI Implants

#27 severely decayed

X- Ray- Complete case profile
#46 implantation (with MSDI implant)

Case by: Dr. Raul Rojas
Patient, Female 63 years old, without background diseases, usually healthy, doesn't smoke for 15 years. missing 1 and 2 bicuspid, 1 and 2 molar with limited sinus space... View full case >